Any amount helps us achieve our goals.

Do The Kindness is a non-profit organization solely funded by donations of individuals. We are organized under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Your donation will contribute to supporting the girls in the dormitory while continuing their education throughout primary, secondary, high school and potentially college. Please consider that $125 / month covers the following expenses for each girl.

  • housing (bed, bedding, locker)

  • den mother wages

  • school supplies

  • uniforms / shoes / other clothing

  • food

  • medical care

  • bicycle / transportation to school

  • daily needs

Any donation large or small is greatly appreciated. Every penny goes to supporting the cause. All our key members work on a voluntary basis. No salaries are taken.


Or mail us a check made out to:

2426 West Coast Hwy, #206
Newport Beach, CA 92663